
Showing posts from March, 2010

March floods

On Monday i wandered over to the water garden. It had been raining heavily in the Portland area. I wondered how the garden was doing. I found that the stream was flowing heavily and the wet land was flooded almost to the over flow pipe. This is the first time in years that water has flooded to that point.

cherry blossom spring

Today is March 19th . The weather is fine warm and sunny. I went into the water garden and discovered the flowering cherry trees in full bloom. Notice how much bigger the lupin have gotten. The song birds are every where they flit and fly from bush to tree. The currant are in bloom they put off a distinguished odor. The pond is also coming top life. The monkey flower near the mouth of the stream are just starting to bloom. I can hear the sounds of some brave pacific tree frogs. They will soon start croaking.

art in the garden

There are many examples of art in the water gardewn. as theflowers bloom the beauty changes.

flowers in march

The water garden is blooming now. The scent of the flowering currant is every where. The daffodils are are coming in strong. Even the calfs foot is in bloom.